\ 《林一峰老師-大鼻子情聖系列》...
\ 《林一峰老師-大鼻子情聖系列》\ \ 1. Lowland Single Grain Port Dundas 1999-2017 Hogshead 55.2 % 水\ 2. Speyside Single Malt Aultmore 2006-2017 Hogshead 57.5 %
\ 3. Highland Single Malt Tomatin 2008-2018 Bourbon Barrel 57.4 % \ 4. Irish Single Malt IRELAND 2007-2017 Ex - PX Hogshead 53.2 % \ 5. Highland Single Malt Loch Lomond 2003-2017 Peated Refill Sherry Barrel 55.8 % \ 加碼:Isle Of Arran Single Malt Arran 1996-2017 Sherry Butt 49.1 %\ \ #顛覆想像近乎超好喝\ #BigNose #大鼻子 #Whisky #威士忌\ #姊的手寫標超可愛\ #凱莉兒微醺頻道\ \ @ 艾克猴 The Alcohol Bar.\