As all of you may know I love my bleached/highlight hair, but tbh I never really take care of my scalp? as so for this reason, I was lucky to have th
e chance to have my first ever head scalp treatment at @lamodsalon , they first consult and look up my current scalp situation and treat it with their jet peel therapy which deep cleanse your scalp and helps clean the dead skin cell on your scalp, than they treat it with a non-invasive meso hair treatment. After the whole process, I can totally feel the difference and I’m super happy with the result! ?\
#lamod #lamodsalon #hairspa #headspa #scalpcare #expert #scalp #cleansing #mesohair #therapy #jetpeel #antiloss #comfie #頭髮護理 #頭皮護理 #頭皮水光育髮療程 #無創水光槍 @ La Môd Salon/Hair Spa/Beauty\