You can't alyaws have a good day, but you can always face a bad day with a good attitude!\
Full body sesh:\
1️⃣ squat 3 × 6\
2️⃣a. hip thrust 10, 1
0, 12\
2️⃣b. romanian deadlift 3 × 8\
3️⃣ bench press 3 × 5\
4️⃣a. overhead press 3 × 10\
4️⃣b. lateral raise 3 × 10\
kembali prima untuk squat lagi ??walaupun bukan dengan beban yg optimal seperti sebelum cedera. Tp progres harus ttp berjalan?.\
TAG temen kamu yg sedang mencari inspirasi workout ya.\
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