前往 ISO 4217 Currency Codes - Dataset - DataHub
常見ISO 4217 currency code問答
iso 3166-1 alpha-2貨幣代碼對照表Iso 4217 currency symbolsiso 3166-1貨幣代碼英文ISO country codecurrency code中文貨幣代碼對照表幣別代碼表Currency codeISO 4217
延伸文章資訊List of currencies and their 3 digit codes as defined by ISO 4217. The data provided here is the ...
According to the ISO website, "ISO 4217:2015 specifies the structure for a three-letter alphabeti...
The ISO 4217 currency code page, is a list of global currencies and the three-character currency ...
List of currencies and their 3 digit codes as defined by ISO 4217. The data provided here is the ...
According to the ISO website, "ISO 4217:2015 specifies the structure for a three-letter alphabeti...
The ISO 4217 currency code page, is a list of global currencies and the three-character currency ...