你知道嗎?\ ?放養雞活得比較自由...
你知道嗎?\ ?放養雞活得比較自由,產出的雞蛋也相對更自然和健康。\ ?一名女性平均一生要用上11000片衛生棉,而被丟棄的衛生棉需要數百年才能分解。\ ------------------------------------\ Did you know?\ ?Free range chickens
can roam freely, are raised more humanely and therefore produce more natural and healthier eggs. \ ?On average, a woman uses 11000 sanitary pads in her life, and the time it takes for them to degrade is centuries longer than the woman who throws them out. \ \ #sustainability #saverheplanet #environmentalcomics #awareness #mooncup #freerange #makeachange